Who Am I?

At 11:14 AM on Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I've spent the past few weeks trying to find the real me....
I just thought I have really changed a lot but people seem to see it in a bad way, they know who they are and this is my chance to say a genuine sorry to them if I had hurt them or discourage them. I pray every single day that I would be able to be the best person that I can be and that every single day would be meaningful. I have accepted it. This is life. This is God's gift and it is my responsiblity to face the challenges. I try to remain optimistic because he never left me in the dark and that I have plenty of precious gems around me - my family, friends and relatives. I'm feelin' better but I have to admit that there's this question that's still running in my mind - Who Am I? Who's the real me?

On the brighter side...After a long time of absence in TRC, I attented the Church's Anniversary last week. It was probably the best occasion I've ever went. You could just feel Chist's presence around you. I could tell you any more things. I was just speechless. I am so happy to have the oppurtunity to attent the occasion. Anyways, I just had a new haircut. Lots of hair were cut off but I love it! I feel like a new person...

So there...Life has to move on...

G Chic

Blog Leave

At 8:54 AM on Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sorry I'm on blog leave lolx

G Chic

It's Christmas!!!!

At 11:24 AM on Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gosh I miss my blog! :p
Well, I'm so glad that the tests are over and I'll have time blogging. I still can't believe that we're towards the end of the year ( I don't wanna get old! haha!) and Christmas is coming. I can't believe it! I haven't spent Christmas in the Phil for like 2 years...I miss it so much! huhuh...I'll be attending 3 Christmas party this year! yay! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas everyone!

G Chic


At 1:41 PM on Friday, November 10, 2006

Life is like a food. It can be sweet, can be sour but If you'll try your best to cook it again It'll taste better and better...

I've only spent 3 days in school this week (minus the retreat trip on tues) but It felt like I was in school for a whole week! Module test is comin up, have to do a talk in English, finish my project etc etc.... I'm soooo stressed out! lol well, not really coz I get enough leisure time at home and during the weekend but I don't think I will have a good weekend tomorrow. Oh Life! This is life! I'm now starting to see the real world and the real meaning of life... before, It was nothing for me. I had this thinking that when a human being is born today, tomorrow he'll die. I've only been in this world for 14 years but so much had happened to me, well not that much. I use to have a rebel status and that wasn't long ago... depression had led me to be a rebellious pre-teenager. I cry and cry evernight. I thought God has forgoten me etc etc...but guess what he actually didn't and he never did...I've found God and my life became better. Thanks to the good people areound me who, inspite of everything, is always at my side. So much has changed in a short time. I realized that I've wasted a year crying, rebelling, cursing, hating etc. All the hate and bitterness are now washed away. I've learn to love every person I meet in this world even though you can't really please everybody and most importantly, I learned to appreciate the blessings that God pours to me everyday no matter how big or small it is. I may not be perfect but I try to be the best person. Live life like there's no tomorrow! Bitterness & Hateness are a waste of time... Why not look at the positive rather than the negative? Whew! Life is just......undescribable! =D

G Chic


At 11:43 AM on Sunday, November 05, 2006

I really have nothing to say...
I just had my last entry in my xanga site and I thought I could just post some of my fave pics here...well boredom pics as my friend says...

G Chic

Meet G Chic...

At 12:51 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2006

"Kung may G Unit may G Chic!" =D

*naks nag endorse! hahah!*

Another blogsite of mine... I have a xanga site but I thought I'd make a new blog para refreshing...hehehe! If you wanna visit my xanga site here's the link: http://www.xanga.com/damn_angel13

Goodbye, Xanga...

Hello, Blogger!

G Chic